Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sham(e)less Bragging

I've had this blog for a few months now. I look at it multiple times a day. I post at least once a week. Over 2000 people have looked at it and a handful comment each week.

With all that viewing, by myself and my friends and family, how many of you noticed that the title of my blog was misspelled? Or, more to the point, how many of you corrected me?


So for the past several months, I've been pouring my heart out to the Internet on a blog called "Shamless Bragging." Shamless Bragging.

Shameless Bragging, indeed.


Cortney said...

Totally did not notice...But you should have taken advantage of the situation and bragged on, well, you know, your pillow shams.

Lisa said...

You're going to think I'm crazy, but I did notice and thought it was intentional. You know - BRAMlett...SHAMless. Erase your post and tell everyone that it was misspelled on purpose - a little clever play on words if you will.

Meredith said...

Ha! Yes, Lisa is right. It was a very clever play on words. There was no typo. My career in editing is back on track...

Ashley S said...

Hey girl-
I have to admit...I did notice. But don't feel bad...for the longest time I thought your website was broken b/c I was spelling "shameless" wrong..with NO e in it. Guess it runs in the family. I felt so much better when I finally got logged on and saw you made the same mistake. See, you really did it for me!

Becky said...

Hi Meredith, it's Cortney' mom. I always look at your blog & I didn't notice either (but I am a blonde you know). I love reading about Claire & Arden. Tell the girls "Hi" from Reid & Cade's Mimi. Becky

Rachel Evans said...

I never noticed, but I'm the worst at reading things as they're supposed to be and not how they really are. So much for that job as a magazine editor! Love the blog whether it's shamless or shameless!